About Us

Random Tales
Random Tales

Our Mission

To help people and create a beautiful place to live in, where people will be happy and respect every life form that exists on Earth. 


Our Purpose behind building RT

We believe there are positive as well as negative thoughts in every individual; the outcomes, however, depends on the choices that we make.

No one is perfect, which tells us that there are times where each & everyone might have made some mistake in their life. Regretting about it without sharing it with anyone might create negative energy in them, which might affect their personal life and health, leading to depression and anxiety.

Only healthy mind and soul can spread happiness. So, we chose to create a platform where people can share their emotions anonymously. Where their stories will be displayed for the world without revealing their identity to anyone. This way, the confessor will feel light and also get suggestions from people around the globe through their comments on the confession post. :)

We will also keep updating Inspirational quotes, funny stories, facts and night time horror stories for the people to enjoy reading.

Who are we?

We are B.TECH GRADUATES, from India. We believe there is always a pure, beautiful and right solution to every problem. - active THINKERS.
We respect every religion and believe that we all belong to one God, one religion, and one cast, and that's humanity. - SPIRITUAL and SIMPLE.
We created this virtual world where racism, disrespect, and abusive language would not be allowed. Here will try to reach a solution to every issue with love, respect, and care. - SYSTEMATIC and FUN LOVING.

To sum up, we are FRIENDS who love to read, write, blog, make new friends, write contents that people will enjoy & help people in need. :)

What do we like?

We love to make new friends  - Earth is too vast for us to travel & talk to all of you, why don't you guys join us on our Facebook page

We like to help people in need - Life is short, we came with nothing and we go with nothing. So, why not be humble and make everyone happy by giving them some beautiful memories to remember and smile. Also, we like to accept people the way they are and help them find the beauty in them. 

What benefits will you get after joining us?

1. You can share your emotions with us freely - Friendship! :)
2. We will help you post your confessions without letting anyone know your identity - Confess anonymously.
3. You will get a family who cares for you. Like our page and join the Random Tales Family.
4. You can enjoy reading stories, jokes, and inspirational quotes. - Enjoy and Learn.
5. You will get many friends across the world by suggesting confessors, enjoying fun time posts and talking to people who comment.
6. A decent place to find real friends as only decent content will be displayed here.

So, what else you want for free? :p Let's create a beautiful place to live :)

We are growing now, share our page with your family and friends as it's your page too. :)


Want to know more About Us? 

Drop us a message by clicking the Message button on our Facebook page Random Tales.  

Random Tales
Random Tales

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